There are little to no regulations that apply to the breeding and selling of dogs and puppies in Aotearoa. This means virtually ANYBODY can breed and sell a dog, no matter the life stage or stability.
Unfortunately, this can put the dogs at high risk of poor treatment, malnourishment and illness. In many cases, dogs involved in backyard breeding live in shocking conditions that no animal should ever have to endure.

'Mother' dogs used primarily for breeding are often exhausted of their capabilities, being subjected to multiple consecutive pregnancies until they become physically drained and can no longer produce puppies. After this point, they are often auctioned off or killed.

Puppies bought online over websites like TradeMe or Neighbourly may be unsocialised, premature, and not desexed. Therefore, these puppies have missed out on vital growth opportunities that could leave them with multiple health problems later in life.

Puppy Mills and Irresponsible Breeders are known to breed dogs for quantity, not quality. In order to make the money they want, they do not care to provide veterinary care to the pups that need it most. This results in a load of genetic defects - most of which require costly vet treatment further down the track - as well as personality-related disorders that frustrate owners into abandoning their dogs.
We're a group of students from Wellington, New Zealand, who are passionate about eliminating Puppy Mills and irresponsible breeding in Aotearoa. Not enough is done to combat the horrific treatment that many dogs and puppies are subject to in order for breeders to benefit economically. You can help us in this movement by educating yourself on this silent issue in Aotearoa and by signing our petition that aims to change the policy around the breeding and selling of dogs and domestic pets as a whole.