by Bridie O'Kane
Breeders that are involved in puppy mills often use commonly used official dog breeding sites, but these people often don't have the license needed to be considered a “reliable breeder” which often leads back to them being involved in puppy mills. Dogs and puppies that are used for breeding and selling are often kept in inhumane conditions like dust-cloaked cages forced to stand on their hind legs to find a comfortable position, the smell within these areas are horrendous due to the lack of hygiene. Dogs and puppies that are of long-haired breeds are often extremely matted and have faeces stuck to their fur. Often the parent dogs are in worse conditions than the puppies due to their older age they are prone to health issues more frequently, these include; Cataracts and corneal ulcers; their jaws half-gone or missing entirely after their teeth had rotted away. They are often too weak to stand and erect causing their paws to become urine-scaled and their wrists to become deformed from squatting on wire most of their lives.
Despite these inhumane conditions, breeders often make a significant income due to them being able to keep up their act for many years - which generates more trust - as they are seen as “reliable”. They often do not need to pay taxes or licence fees, consequently increasing their income due to their breeding being “underground" and not public.